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Our Staff

Meet the Greater Sydney Landcare team

As a team, we are committed to our five pillars: flora, fauna, water, soil, and restoration. By focusing on these areas, we aim to make a positive impact on the local ecosystem and contribute to the sustainability of our community.

Local Landcare Coordinators

Local Landcare Coordinators play a vital role in enabling and coordinating Community Landcare groups and other environmental organisations. They empower Landcare groups to achieve their goals in alignment with program objectives and they support participation in Landcare by individuals and sub-groups.

Greater Sydney Landcare currently employs two part-time Local Landcare Coordinators.

Chris McMillan

Local Landcare Coordinator

Chris is a keen member of the Landcare team! He is passionate about people, the environment and social justice. Chris completed a BSc in Environmental Management at Macquarie University and the One Planet MBA at the University of Exeter (UK). He is currently studying a Certificate III in Conservation and Ecosystem Management at TAFE NSW (Ryde) after hours. Chris has 2 years of bush regeneration experience in Sydney, and he has 5 years of experience working on 2 development projects in agroforestry, food security, land rehabilitation and bushfire management in Senegal (West Africa). Chris established an organic farm in Senegal which is currently being managed by a local Senegalese team.

Jessica Lumbroso

Streamwatch & Local Landcare Coordinator

Creating Canopies Team

The Creating Canopies Project is planting 200,000 trees over the next three years to increase our city’s tree canopy and green cover. Planting these trees will help mitigate urban heat, provide habitat for wildlife, and reduce carbon emissions.

Danielle Packer

Project Manager

Danielle Packer has had 3 years of project management experience undertaking numerous Landcare and other environmental projects with Greater Sydney Landcare, and Cattai Hills Environment Network. She has also worked for Ecohort, a bush regeneration company, and completed a bachelor’s degree in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security.

Being enthusiastic about making environmental education a priority for the community and connecting them to nature through conservation works and other citizen science activities, she believes we can create a more sustainable future for generations to come.

Matt Keighery

Landholder Engagement Manager

Matt has been a bushcare volunteer for over 20 years leading a group in Willoughby and supervising another. During that time he has added a degree in Science (Plant Ecology), a Diploma in Conservation and Land ManagementΒ to his cherished Bush Regeneration Certificate. He has worked for professional Bush regenerators and been on committees with Land Managers, Landscape Architects and others, improving the practical management of our Reserves and Parks for flora, fauna and people.

Felicity Moody

Communications and Engagement Officer

Felicity is an experienced Media and Communications Coordinator with a demonstrated history of working in Government and the not-for-profit sector. She is skilled in public relations, campaign management, digital content creation and copywriting.

Holding a BA in Environmental Management and Cert III in Horticulture, her passion for nature and the environment is the driving force behind all her work.

Streamwatch Team

Streamwatch is a citizen science water monitoring program that enables community groups to monitor the quality and health of local waterways.

Jessica Lumbroso

Streamwatch & Local Landcare Coordinator

Southwest Sydney Koala Project, Cumberland Plain Restoration Project and Private Land Conservation Team

All three projects are crucial to improving habitat and land conservation across the Greater Sydney region.

Xuela Sledge

Koala Officer I Cumberland Plain Restoration Program Manager I Private Land Conservation Officer
Xuela has over twenty years experience in conservation that has mostly involved working with the community. She has been with Greater Sydney Landcare since March 2016 (but who’s counting…) and currently works on a number of projects for GSL:
1. Cumberland Plain Restoration Program (SOS funding)
2. Southwest Sydney Koala Project (NSW Koala Strategy)
3. Private Land Conservation – Macarthur area
You can read more about Xuela here:

Interested in joining our workforce?

When job become available we will post them on our LinkedIn page.

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