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Friends of Parliamentary Landcare hold networking event in Sydney

By May 22, 2016No Comments

Parliamentary landcare event
Did you know that there is a Friends of Parliamentary Landcare Group. The Group consists of members from across the political spectrum. It is a group that has been formed to promote and support the work of the Landcare (and Bushcare) movement within Parliament and the wider community across NSW.

This event was held to coincide with a Landcare NSW Council meeting and showcased an example of the Local Landcare Coordinators Initiative. Nambucca Valley Landcare Network Chair and Coordinator presented of the benefit that the new Coordinators funding was already having on the area. 65 other Local Landcare Coordinators have also been employed to support and drive their regional Landcare initiatives, including 4 new positions in the Greater Sydney area. Networks benefiting from the new recruits include the Parramatta River Catchment Group, Oceanwatch and Greater Sydney Landcare Network.

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